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Best photo spots - Iceland

Are you visiting Iceland for a few days or even a week? This map will show you where to go and really help you optimize your trip for the best possible results!

I have spent tens and tens of hours online researching maps to find the best possible photo locations Iceland has to offer. This has helped me visit tons of locations on each trip I've done to Iceland.

Now, Instead of spending hours and hours planing your journey and looking for the best spots, you can download this google map and it will bring you straight to the most amazing locations. Every point on the map that I have visited will have a photo of the location showing what you can expect to find. If not, it will have a name and a description, 

The map includes:
- Photography spots (both hikes and easy to access locations)
- Selfie spots
- Drone spots

Or simply just places you can't miss out on when visiting the island.

In total, a map to about 115 different photos!

You don't have to be a photographer to enjoy this guide at all. 

Get your Iceland map now and make your trip to Senja a journey you'll never forget!

The map requires Google Maps!

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